
Some publications are only available in their original language (Norwegian).
All publications from the ZEN Research Centre are financially supported by the Research Council of Norway through its funding scheme for Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (grant no. 257660) and the Centre’s partners.

Our latest scientific publications

Kauko, Hanne Laura Pauliina; Brækken, August; Askeland, Magnus (2024) Nyhavna – et nullutslippsnabolag med systemsmart energiforsyning
ZEN Report 64,

Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Homaei, Shabnam; Lien, Synne Krekling; Sartori, Igor; Meland, Solveig; Karlsson, Hampus; Anandasivakumar, Ekambaram (2024) The ZEN definition – a guideline for the ZEN pilot areas. Version 4.0
ZEN Report 63,

Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth; Homaei, Shabnam; Lien, Synne Krekling; Sartori, Igor; Meland, Solveig; Karlsson, Hampus; Anandasivakumar, Ekambaram (2024) Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities Definition, Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria: Version 5.0
ZEN Report 62,

Jan Sandstad Næss, Kim Rainer Mattson, Baptiste Giroux, Ida Rustad, Helge Brattebø og Edgar Hertwich (2024) Allokering av klimagassutslipp fra avfallsforbrenning med energigjenvinning i livsløpsanalyser
ZEN Report 61,

Bendik Manum, Tobias Nordström, Lillian Sve Rokseth, Peter Schön, Astrid Bjørgen og Hampus Karlsson (2024) Byform i et ZEN-perspektiv
ZEN Report 60,

All our publications

Marvuglia, Antonino; Havinga, Lisanne; Heidrich, Oliver; Fonseca, Jimeno; Gaitani, Niki; Reckien, Diana (2020) Advances and challenges in assessing urban sustainability: an advanced bibliometric review
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
6 March 2020,

Wang, Nan; Satola, Daniel; Wiberg, Aoife Houlihan; Liu, Conghong; Gustavsen, Arild (2020) Reduction Strategies for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from High-Speed Railway Station Buildings in a Cold Climate Zone of China
25 February 2020,

Kvellheim, Ann Kristin; Moum Danielsen, Sunniva; Nuijten, Anne (2020) Innovasjonsrapport 2020
ZEN Report 28,

Chaudhary, Shamita; Brattebø, Helge (2020) The role of eco-villages in reaching zero emission neighbourhood (ZEN) goals
ZEN Memo 29,

Krekling Lien, Synne; Ahang, Mohammedreza; Byskov Lindberg, Karen; Fjellheim, Øystein (2020) ZEN case study: End user flexibility potential in the service sector
ZEN report 27,

10 September 2020,

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education,
7 September 2020,

Hauge, Guro; Schjølseth, Stig (2020) Vi vil ha utslippskutt – ikke papirmølle
27 August 2020,

24 August 2020,

Lausselet, Carine; Forero Urrego, Johana Paola; Resch, Eirik; Brattebø, Helge (2020) Temporal analysis of the material flows and embodied greenhouse gas emissions of a neighborhood building stock
Journal of Industrial Ecology,
10 July 2020,

Li, Yantong; Nord, Natasa; Xiao, Qiangqiang; Tereshchenko, Tymofii (2020) Building heating applications with phase change material: A comprehensive review
Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 31,
10 July 2020,

ZEN Report 29,

Estate Nyheter,
18 June 2020,

Kristiansen, Audun Bull; Satola, Daniel; Lee, K; Zhao, Baiyang; Ma, Tengfei; Wang, Ruzhu; Gustavsen, Arild; Novakovic, Vojislav (2020) Feasibility study of an off-grid container unit for industrial construction
Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 61,
20 June 2020,

Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Sandberg, Nina Holck (2020) Energi inn i arealplanen – en forutsetning for Smarte Byer
Komunal Rapport,
30 June 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 4,

The Journal of Architecture, Design and Domestic Space,
2 July 2020,

Business Strategy and the Environment,
23 July 2020,

Baer, Daniela; Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Munkvold, Silje (2020) Quick and dirty designtenking: nytt blikk på innbyggermedvirkning
18 August 2020,

Woods, Ruth; Thomsen, Judith; Grynning, Steinar; Lolli, Nicola (2020) Electrochromic window system evaluation at Heimdal secondary school
ZEN Memo 28,

Rønneseth, Øystein; Haase, Matthias; Georges, Laurent; Thunshelle, Kari; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Fjellheim, Øystein; Mysen, Mads; Thomsen, Judith (2020) Building services solutions suitable for low emission urban areas
ZEN Report 26,

Krohn Aasgård, Ellen (2020) Utforming av prissignal i kraftmarkedet
ZEN Memo 27,

Baer, Daniela; Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Gohari, Savis; Bø, Lars Arne; Junker, Eivind (2020) Nytt blikk på medvirkningsprosesser i bærekraftig byutvikling
ZEN Report 25,

Building and Environment,
Vol. 176, June 2020,

Carlucci, Salvatore et al. (2020) Modeling occupant behavior in buildings
Building and Environment,
Vol. 174, May 2020,

News story (2020) Forskere anbefaler klimagasskrav til norske bygninger
10 June 2020,

NTB info,
9 June 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 2,

Interview with Ann Kristin Kvellheim (2020) Snart blir nabolaget ditt smart,
8 June 2020,

8 June 2020,

Kvellheim, Ann Kristin; Stoknes, Stein (2020) Fremtidens bygg skal demonteres og ikke rives,
28 May 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,

Lausselet, Carine (2020) PhD life abroad in the time of Corona
NTNU Techzone,
22 May 2020,

Energi og Klima,
13 May 2020,

News story (2020) Ikke godt nok, Egseth
9 May 2020,

News story (2020) Det er ikke mangel på vindkraft som er problemet
7 May 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 4,

Interview with Marianne Rose Kjendseth Wiik (2020) Rehabilitering i stedet for nybygg kan redusere utslipp med 63 prosent
Teknisk Ukeblad,
2 April 2020,

Kvellheim, Ann Kristin; Bramslev, Katharina (2020) Betong er en del av klimaløsningen,
7 April 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,,
27 March 2020,

Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth (2020) Norge bør satse på rehabilitering framfor nybygg,
25 March 2020,

4 March 2020,

9 March 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,

News story (2020) Derfor sier vi nei
Agder Flekkefjords Tidende,
6 March 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,

Interview with Ann Kristin Kvellheim (2020) Regulatoriske begrensninger står ofte i veien for nullutslippsbygg
27 February 2020,

21 February 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,

News story (2020) Frokostmøte med FutureBuilt: Lavkarbo byggematerialer
19 February 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,

10 år med klimagassregnskaper. Hva har vi lært? Vi gjør opp status for den pågående klimadugnaden i byggenæringen og gir deg både matnyttige materialstrategier og hårete favorittprodukter.

Frokostmøtet arrangeres av FutureBuilt, Grønn Byggallianse, FME ZEN og Enova.
Frokostmøtet er fulltegnet. Om du ønsker å stå på venteliste, kan du sende en e-post til

Det er 10 år siden Statsbygg lanserte klimagassberegninger for bygg – og med det et nytt designpremiss som har gitt føringer for materialpaletten i mer enn 50 FutureBuilt prosjekter og en rekke andre klimaforbilder. Resultatet er blant annet biobaserte byggesystemer, flere generasjoner lavkarbon-betong, de første sirkulære bygg-pilotene og nye og innovative lavutslippsmaterialer og produkter.

På frokostmøtet forteller både praktikere og forskere om erfaringene fra de mest ambisiøse forbildeprosjektene. Vi gir deg erfaringer fra 10 år med klimagassberegninger, materialstrategier for reduserte utslipp, oversikt over redskaper og verktøy for klimasmarte materialvalg, og anbefaler både dypøkologiske og stuerene produkter for utbyggere og arkitekter som ønsker å ligge i front.


08.00 Frokost

08.30 Velkommen! Stein Stoknes, FutureBuilt

08.35 10 år med klimagassberegninger – hva har vi lært? Marianne Wiik, SINTEF Community/ZEN

08.45 Materialstrategier for reduserte utslipp Eivind Selvig, Civitas

08.55 Tre eller betong – eller: Ja, takk. Begge deler! Christofer Skaar, SINTEF Community/ZEN

09.05 Veidekke bygger med «ekstrem-lavkarbonbetong» Nils Ivar Nilsen og Karl Christian Martinsen, Veidekke

09.15 Anskaffelse av lavutslippsbyggematerialer – ECOproduct og Grønn materialguide Katharina Bramslev, Grønn Byggallianse

09.25 Stuerent – 10 klimavinnere Rolf Hagen, Context

09.35 Dypgrønt – 10 radikale klimaløsninger Rolf Jakobsen, Gaia

09.45 Enova støtter lavutslippsløsninger i bygg Jan Petter Amundal, Enova

09.50 Dialog

10.00 Takk for i dag!

I etterkant av frokostmøtet arrangeres det en innovasjonsworkshop for spesielt inviterte. Workshopen er del av prosessen med å utvikle FutureBuilt 2.0.

Praktisk informasjon

Dato: Tirsdag 25. februar Sted: Ingensteds, Brenneriveien 9, Oslo

Arrangementet er gratis og åpent for alle, men påmelding er nødvendig. Påmelding på FutureBuilt sine sider. Det blir servert frokost. Vi oppfordrer alle til å gå, sykle eller reise kollektivt til frokostmøtet.

Frokostmøtet vil også bli streamet.

Ersfjord, Eva; Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth (2020) Nytt verktøy for å definere nullutslippsområder
13 February 2020,

13 February 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,

NTB info,
11 February 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 4,

News story (2020) Barn + eldre = sant
4 February 2020,

Interview with Niki Gaitani and Inger Andresen (2020) Forsker på bærekraftige nabolag
NTNU Nyheter,
30 January 2020,
further featured in no. of sources: 2,

News story (2020) I et kupert grunnfjellsområde som Agder vil vindkraftverk medføre varige terrenginngrep, og gjerne i de mest uberørte delene av naturen
21 January 2020,

Bø, L.A., Junker, E., Askeland, M. (2020) ZEN og lovverket
ZEN Memo 26,

Wiik, M. Kjendseth; Selvig, E.; Fuglseth, M.; Resch, E.; Lausselet, C.; Andresen, I.; Brattebø, H.; Hahn, U. (2020) Klimagasskrav til materialbruk i bygninger
ZEN Report 24,

ZEN Report 23,

ZEN Report 22,

Bremvåg, A., Hestnes, A. G., & Gustavsen, A. (eds.) (2020) ZEN Annual Report 2019
ZEN Report 21,

Askeland, M. (2020) Web-based solution for eTransport
ZEN Memo 25,

Sartori, I., Sørensen, Å.L. (2020) ZEN-case Energisystem Risvollan
ZEN Memo 24,

Analyse av energisystemsløsninger, kostnader og
beslutningsprosess for Risvollan borettslag.

ZEN Report 20,

Calculation of Key Performance Indicators of Energy and Power in Ydalir

Ydalir is the name of a development area located northeast of the centre of Elverum. The area is one of
the pilot areas in FME ZEN with ambitions of becoming a Zero Emission Neighbourhood (ZEN). At
the end of the construction period the area will have a new school, a kindergarten, and about 700
residential units. There are high ambitions for the development of Ydalir. For Ydalir to fulfil the ZEN
definition, it must be energy efficient, and the emissions from the area must be reduced. The emission
reductions in Ydalir will be achieved through building according to the Norwegian passive house
standard (NS 3700/NS3701), by using district heating, and by installing photovoltaic (PV) solar panels.

The development of the definition of a Zero Emission Neighbourhood (ZEN) and the development of
assessment criteria and key performance indicators is an ongoing process that will last throughout the
program period of FME ZEN. This work will enable an assessment of the performance of the ZEN pilot
areas. Based on the draft for the ZEN definition, the assessment criteria and KPIs (per 2019) can be
divided into the following categories: GHG Emissions, Energy, Power, Mobility, Spatial qualities,
economy and innovation.

Constructing Ydalir as a ZEN will have positive impacts on energy consumption, the peak load,
and the utilization of the local electricity grid.

The purpose of this report is to test the indicators on energy and power on a ZEN-pilot in the planning
phase. The suggested energy KPIs and power KPIs have been tested for Ydalir for the year 2035. It is
assumed that the area will be fully operational by this time. Two scenarios have been created for Ydalir,
2035: the first scenario represent the current expectations for the pilot area and is called the “ZEN
Scenario”. The second scenario represent the reference project, or the “Business as usual” (BAU) case
for the development of Ydalir. This is called the “Baseline Scenario”. The KPIs for Energy and Power
have been calculated for Ydalir for both scenarios.

This analysis shows that the KPI net energy demand can be reduced by 27 %, the total import of energy
can be reduced by 30%, and the combined peak load for electricity and heating can be reduced by 24%
in the ZEN-scenario compared to the Baseline Scenario.

Annual energy use and emissions from the use phase can be significantly reduced if the development
turns out as expected, if all developers follow the master plan, and if the use of transport by car is reduced
as expected. The testing of the KPIs used in ZEN within the categories Energy and Power shows that
there is a need for further work on system boundaries, the reference scenario, and finding standard

Involved ZEN-partners in this study have been SINTEF, Elverum Vekst, and Elverum municipality.

Matthias Haase, Nicola Lolli and Kari Thunshelle (2020) Renovation concepts for residential buildings
ZEN Report 19,

This study looks at the challenges and opportunities in the deep energy renovation market with prefab elements. An analysis of 39 European projects was conducted, and the results where structured in three topics.

Nuijten, Anne (editor) (2020) Innovasjonsarbeid i FME-ene
ZEN Memo 23,

Denne memoen er resultatet av arbeidet i 2019 og beskriver for FME-ene ZEN, NTRANS, HydroCen, CINELDI, HighEFF, NCCS og SUSOLTECH hvordan FME-ene jobber med innovasjon og hva resultatene er så langt.

Moazami, Amin (2019) Climate Robust Buildings: Towards Buildings with a Robust Energy Performance Under Climate Change
PhD thesis,

9 December 2019,
further featured in no. of sources: 6,

Bergsdal, Håvard (2020) Environmental assessment of ventilation systems in buildings
ZEN Memo 22,

Nordström, Tobias; Rokseth, Lillian; Green, Sylvia; Manum, Bendik (2020) ZEN spatial indicators: Evaluation of Kommunedelplan 3 (KDP 3) for Fornebu
ZEN Memo 21,

Nordström, Tobias; Rokseth, Lillian; Green, Sylvia; Manum, Bendik (2020) ZEN spatial indicators: Evaluation of parallel assignments for Sluppen
ZEN Memo 20,

Nordström, Tobias; Rokseth, Lillian; Green, Sylvia; Manum, Bendik (2020) ZEN spatial indicators: Evaluation of Bodø-vest
ZEN Memo 19,

Gustavsen, Arild; Jacobsen, Terje; Nuijten, Anne (2019) Egenevaluering FME ZEN Juni 2019
ZEN Memo 18,

News story (2019) Kjære NTE!
31 December 2019,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,

News story (2019) Nå skal bonden bli grønn
31 December 2019,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,

Shetelig, Fredrik; Brattebø, Helge; Larssæther, Stig (2019) I 2013 fremsto målene for Brøset som radikale. Nå må vi gå enda lenger
6 December 2019,

Andresen, I., Kleiven, T. & Gaitani, N. (2019) Nullutslippsbygg og plusshus – hva skjer i Norden anno 2019?
NTNU Techzone,
03 December 2019,

Interview with Judith Thomsen (2019) Grønt lys for Norges største nullutslippsområde,
further featured in no. of sources: 2,

Interview with Marianne Rose Kjendseth Wiik (2019) Hvordan definerer man et nullutslippsområde?
Fremtidens Byggenæring,
8 August 2019,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,,
7 March 2019,

Jacobsen, Terje (2019) Forbudt å kreve nullutslipp og plusshus
Teknisk Ukeblad,
19 November 2019,
further featured in no. of sources: 1,

CITIES Innovation Center,
12 June 2019,

Backe, Stian; Remøe, Katinka Sætersdal (2019) Fornybar energi i nabolag: Bør både produseres og brukes lokalt
3 December 2019,

Yu, Xingji; Georges, Laurent; Knudsen, Michael; Sartori, Igor; Imsland, Lars Struen (2019) Investigation of the Model Structure for Low-Order Grey-Box Modelling of Residential Buildings
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA,
8 p.,

Wolf, Sebastian; Cali, Davide; Alonso, Maria Justo; Li, Rongling; Korsholm Andersen, Rune; Krogstie, John; Madsen, Henrik (2019) Room-level occupancy simulation model for private households
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Vol. 1343,

Walnum, Harald Taxt; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Sartori, Igor. (2019) Influence of inputs knowledge on Grey-box models for Demand Response in Buildings
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA,

Tomasgard, Asgeir; Gustavsen, Arild (2019) Kutter utslipp, sparer nettleie
Dagens næringsliv,
4 January 2019,

Tereshchenko, Tymofii; Ivanko, Dmytro; Nord, Natasa; Sartori, Igor (2019) Analysis of energy signatures and planning of heating and domestic hot water energy use in buildings in Norway
E3S Web of Conferences,
Vol. 111,

Sørensen, Åse Lekang; Sartori, Igor; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Andresen, Inger (2019) Electricity analysis for energy management in neighbourhoods: Case study of a large housing cooperative in Norway
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Vol. 1343,

Šuklje, Tomaž; Hamdy, Mohamed; Arkar, Ciril; Hensen, Jan L.M.; Medved, Sašo (2019) An inverse modeling approach for the thermal response modeling of green façades
Applied Energy,
Vol. 235,
pp. 1447-1456,

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,

Satola, Daniel; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie; Gustavsen, Arild (2019) Towards Zero Emission Residential Buildings (ZEBs) in a Humid Subtropical Climate. Analysis Emissions from Energy Use and Embodied Emissions from Materials in Referential Locations According to Obligatory Residential Energy Codes and Using Generic LCA Data Sources
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019),

2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech,

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,

Haase, Matthias; Rønneseth, Øystein; Thunshelle, Kari; Georges, Laurent; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Thomsen, Judith (2019) Review of building services solution fitted for a low emission building stock in urban areas
Proceedings of the 40th AIVC Conferenece. 8th TightVent Conference. 6th Venticool Conference. From energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate – 40 years of AIVC,

Dziedzic, Jakub Wladyslaw; Yan, Da; Novakovic, Vojislav (2019) Framework for a transient energy-related occupant behaviour agent-based model
REHVA European HVAC Journal,
Vol. 10,
Issue 3,

Backe, Stian; Kara, Güray; Crespo del Granado, Pedro; Tomasgard, Asgeir. (2019) Local Flexibility Markets in Smart Cities: Interactions Between Positive Energy Blocks
IAEE International Conference,