Research and innovation is the main pillar of our vision of developing sustainable zero emission neighbourhoods.
The innovation report is the work of the FME ZEN innovation committe. The innovation committe will assist the center management team through establishing good processes for innovation in the interface between FME ZEN and its public and industrial partners.
In 2018, an innovation strategy was prepared and adopted, implementing a framework for the identification, classification, and evaluation of innovations. The innovation reports provide an easy-to-read overview of all innovations registered so far.
In 2020 the first edition of FME ZEN innovation report was launched. Read it here. Download as PDF (only in Norwegian)
In 2023 the second edition of FME ZEN Innovation came out.
Download as PDF (only in Norwegian)
FME ZEN er et senter for miljøvennlig energi som skal utvikle løsninger for framtidens bygninger og byområder – løsninger som bidrar til at nullutslippssamfunnet kan realiseres.
FME ZEN skal vare i åtte år (2017-2024), og budsjettet er på cirka 380 millioner kroner, finansiert av Norges forskningsråd, forskningspartnerne NTNU og SINTEF, og brukerpartnerne fra privat og offentlig sektor. NTNU er vertsinstitusjon og leder senteret sammen med SINTEF Community og SINTEF Energi.