ZEB Laboratory: Proud winner of Governmental Award for Building Quality

Thursday 18th.of october  our ZEB Laboratory received the Governmental Award for Building Quality

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ZEB Laboratory Foto: m.c.herzog

From the jury:

The ZEB laboratory is a state-of-the-art building for innovative, technical solutions that can meet future climate changes and contribute to a zero-emission society. The building is a knowledge center for sustainable construction, where technology for energy and construction is continuously developed. The project is the result of outstanding, interdisciplinary, and innovative cooperation between R&D environments and leading players in the industry.

The award was presented by Sigbjørn Gjelsvik, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development.

We thank Norges forskningsråd, Enova, SINTEF and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) for the financial support, and our partners Veidekke, LINK Arkitektur, Multiconsult, Aas Jakobsen, Vintervoll AS, Siemens, Bravida, Brekke Strand, and Orion for their contribution during the design and the construction process.

At NTNU and SINTEF the development of the project has been a collaborative and interdisciplinary process from the start, involving participants from several faculties and departments at NTNU (e.g. NTNU Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture and Technology, NTNU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering) and researchers from SINTEF Community and SINTEF Energy Research.

We now look forward to using the Office Living Laboratory (it is both an office and a laboratory) in education and R&D projects, both nationally and internationally.

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The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is the host and leads the Centre together with SINTEF community.