EU Sustainable energy day event: Speeding up the implementation of Net Zero Emission Buildings and Neighbourhoods through targeted financial policies

We are happy to invite you to our workshop in Brussels the 13th of June at NTNUs Brussels office.  This is during EU Sustainable Energy Week.

The revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is ambitious, and many countries around Europe are lagging behind in the implementation. However, several innovative demonstration projects have been realised around Europe as part of research and innovation projects around Europe. The demonstration projects serve as lighthouses to guide the wider implementation to net zero emission buildings and neighbourhoods.

Lack of finance is considered to be one of the key barriers to improving buildings’ energy efficiency at a speed and scale that is required. Beyond the financing gap, the built environment is a complex network of stakeholders, financial barriers, and mixed incentives, which all need to align and be overcome to speed up the decarbonisation of EU’s housing stock.

In this session we will hear the experiences from innovative demonstration projects of net zero emission and plus energy neighbourhoods around Europe, as well as the viewpoints of key stakeholders along the value chain. Moreover, we will discuss policy measures needed to finance and scale up such projects around Europe. The main outcome will be a list
of policy recommendations for private and public decision-makers.


Moderator: Gerrit Sindermann, Green Digital Finance Alliance

12:45 Welcome and introduction, Inger Andresen / NTNU / Coordinator of ARV

13:00 Finance-related policy recommendations from FME ZEN, Ann Kristin Kvellheim, Leader of ZEN

13:10 Examples of business models and financing models applied in the Climate Positive Circular Communities of ARV, Jannika Aalto / GDFA / WP leader ARV

13:20 An overview of financing opportunities and strategies from syn.ikia, Andrea Kerstens / TNO

13:30 Economic aspects, funding, and business models: Lessons learned from the Cultural-E project: Roberto Lollini / EURAC

13:40 Financial barriers and mixed incentives to accelerate the decarbonization of the EU’s housing stock: Lessons learned from the EXCESS project, Andreas Tuerk / Joanneum Researh

13:50 Investing to tackle energy poverty – lessons learned from the Super-i project, Alice Pittini / Housing Europe

14:00 Policy Readiness Levels of Positive Energy Neighbourhoods – Experiences from the oPENlab project, Dominic Stepen / Bax and Company

14:10 The role of the financial sector in supporting the improvement of the EU’s building stock in line with EPBD, Jennifer Johnson / The European Mortgage Federation

14:20 End of plenary session

14:40 – 16:15 Workshop: Policy recommendations
– What is needed to design effective policies that will help speed up the implementation of ‘zero emission building and neighbourhood economics’?
– What kind of private and public funding is needed to speed up the implementation?
– What can and should decision-makers in municipalities, countries, and the EU do?
16:15 Adjourn

To register for the whole event on-site or the plenary session digital use this form


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The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is the host and leads the Centre together with SINTEF community.