Software tools for local energy system operation and expansion


This report describes existing software tools for analysing operation and expansion of local energy systems and is written in WP5 in the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN). WP5 in FME ZEN aims to develop and apply methodologies that identify the socioeconomic optimal operation and expansion of energy systems within demarked areas. The eTransport model is planned to be further developed and used to analyse pilot cases in ZEN. This report provides a brief description of the eTransport model and other alternative models found in the literature or used by partners in FME ZEN. The models are assessed based on their suitability to address the planned research tasks in FEM ZEN WP5. The report also includes a description of models developed for global and international analysis.

We are grateful for views and suggestions provided by Henrik Madsen (professor at DTU), and for comments provided by Anne Grete Hestnes (professor NTNU)

M. L. Kolstad, S. Backe, O. Wolfgang, I. Sartori

Kriterier for pilotprosjekter i ZEN

Dette dokumentet inneholder forslag til kriterier for hva som skal være krav og retningslinjer, samt roller og ansvar knyttet til å være et pilotprosjekt i forskingssenteret Zero Emission Neighbourhoods.

Inger Andresen

Kriterier for case-prosjekter i ZEN

Dette dokumentet inneholder forslag til kriterier for hva som skal være krav og retningslinjer, samt roller og ansvar knyttet til å være et CASE-prosjekt i forskingssenteret Zero Emission Neighbourhoods.

Inger Andresen

Smart EV charging systems for zero emission neighbourhoods


The increased use of electric vehicles (EVs) calls for new and innovative solutions for charging infrastructure. At the same time, it is desirable to improve the energy flexibility of neighbourhoods. This paper presents state-of-the-art for smart EV charging systems, with focus on Norway.

The aim of the study is to start investigating how smart EV charging systems can improve the energy flexibility in a Zero Emission Neighbourhood (ZEN). The intention is that the study will be useful when evaluating activities and technologies for the ZEN pilot areas.

The paper presents energy demand for EV charging and typical charging profiles. Further, it describes how charging stations can interact also with the energy need in buildings and neighbourhoods, local energy production and local electric and thermal energy storage. Examples of commercial smart EV charging systems are described.

The report lists some opportunities for testing smart EV charging in the ZEN pilot areas. Piloting of new technologies and solutions can provide more knowledge about smart EV charging systems, and how they can participate in matching energy loads in buildings and infrastructure with local electricity generation and energy storage.

Åse Lekang Sørensen, Shanshan Jiang, Bendik Nybakk Torsæter, Steve Völler

Recommendations for further developments in eTransport

This memo summarizes promising possibilities for the further development of eTransport, of which some are included in the ZEN work plan 2018-2019. Among other things, the described developments deal with technologies within the energy supply chains for electricity and heat, with the representation of end-users, and with the representation of fluctuations in the availability of local energy sources.

O. Wolfgang, I. Petersen, M. Lorentzen Kolstad, K. Husevåg Kvalsvik

Personal heating and cooling devices: increasing users’ thermal satisfaction


This report is a part of Work Package 3 Responsive and Energy Efficient buildings. The goal for WP 3 is to create cost effective, responsive, resource and energy efficient buildings by developing low carbon technologies and construction systems based on lifecycle design strategies.

As conventional HVAC systems can only make most users satisfied with their thermal environment, there has recently been a lot of research into personal climatization systems. The aim of this literature study was to investigate whether personal heating and cooling solutions could contribute to make all users satisfied with their thermal environment. Potential energy savings are considered a bonus, but was also included in the evaluation of the literature on the subject.

Almost all of the articles reviewed in this report found that the personal climatization devices significantly improved thermal sensation and thermal comfort for the users. For both heating and cooling it was found that combining personal comfort devices resulted in higher comfort improvement and higher energy saving potential. The devices also made it possible to achieve thermal comfort outside the traditional heating and cooling setpoints, thus making it possible to extend the thermal dead-band of buildings, which could lead to substantial energy savings. There are however still some aspects of personal climatization systems where there is suggested further research, and these personal climatization systems are still not commercially available.

Øystein Rønneseth

Thermal energy systems in ZEN

This report reviews the state-of-the-art on thermal energy systems for neighbourhoods. Its main focus is on technologies related to 4th generation district heating (4GDH), biomass combined heat and power (CHP) systems, ground source heat pumps (GSHP) and seasonal heat storage.

Harald Taxt Walnum, Eyvind Fredriksen

Neighbourhood building stock model for long-term dynamic analyses of energy demand and GHG emissions

How should sustainable neighbourhoods be designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions towards zero? What kind of information do decision makers need to make solid future plans on the neighbourhood level? A dynamic building stock model has been developed for energy- and GHG-emission scenario analyses of neighbourhoods. The model is generic and flexible and can be used to model any neighbourhood where building stock data is available.

Jan Sandstad Næss, Nina Holck Sandberg, Natasa Nord, Magnus Inderberg Vestrum, Carine Lausselet, Aleksandra Woszczek, Øystein Rønneseth, Helge Brattebø

European power market analyses to be carried out within FME ZEN

This report presents a plan for the European power market studies to be carried out within the ZEN Research Centre.

Local energy solutions such as the utilization of local renewable energy resources, and increased energy efficiency, are important for being able to reduce European greenhouse gas emissions to amounts that are in line e.g. with a 2 degree global warming. In the long run, emission levels are affected by many factors including energy system operations, investment decisions, policy instruments, social acceptance for environmental policy, amongst others. Thus, it is not trivial to calculate the full impacts of e.g. 1 TWh extra renewable energy produced locally. Still, it is possible to elaborate on and reveal important mechanisms, which will increase our understanding of those. This report present a plan for European power market studies to be carried out within the FME ZEN. The overall intention with the planned studies is not to provide more accurate numerical calculations than in previous studies, but rather to show how numerical results are affected by which economic mechanisms that are included in such studies. Thus, the studies shall be a basis for creating increased mutual understanding of arguments within FME ZEN.

Ove Wolfgang

Guidelines on energy system analysis and cost optimality in early design of ZEB

This report presents a set of guidelines to assist building designers in a methodological approach to the analysis of energy systems in the early design phase of zero emission buildings. The guidelines are meant to accompany the use of a ZEB supporting tool, guiding through the necessary steps to evaluate the performance and adapt the dimensioning of different systems to the case at hand.

Igor Sartori, Sjur V. Løtveit, Kristian S. Skeie

Zero Village Bergen: Energy system analysis

Based on discussions with the ZEB partners, three possible solutions have been investigated for the energy system of Zero Village Bergen:

  1. District Heating (DH)
  2. Biomass fired Combined Heat and Power (Bio CHP)
  3. Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP)
Igor Sartori, Kristian S. Skeie, Kari Sørnes, Inger Andresen

Hvorfor snakke ned noe som blir bra?

VI MÅ jo bare takke og bukke for at MDG-eren Martin Løken har opphøyd seg selv til elverumpolitikkens moroklump. Med utspillet om å skrinlegge Ydalir har han tatt belastningen med å bli latterliggjort og utskjelt. Å sette dagsorden med hovedoppslag og en tosiders avisartikkel for noe som får uttrykket «bak mål» til å framstå som tomt og innholdsløst, er en prestasjon i seg selv. Men det uredde og frimodige Martin mest av alt har klart, er å få øynene opp på flere for hva som egentlig foregår i Ydalir.

Halvard Berget

Skal vi skrinlegge Elverum?

Kun innpakningen er grønn, sier MDGs Martin Løken om Ydalir til Østlendingen. Vi er glade for Løkens engasjement, bare synd det baserer seg på misforståelser som kan skade Elverums attraktivitetsarbeid for fortsatt økt tilflytning.

Odd-Erling Lange

Bygger lab for klimavennlige bygninger

Nå skal NTNU og Sintef bygge ZEB Flexible Lab. Bygget, som blir et kontor- og undervisningsbygg, får en sentral plass i det nye forskningssenteret Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (ZEN) og senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon, Klima 2050.


Ny kunnskap fra ZEN

NTNU og byggebransjen har valgt ut sju områder for å demonstrere hvordan nabolag kan bidra til nullutslipp i det nye, store ZEN-prosjektet. Allerede i 2019 kan de første nullnabolagene stå klare.

Nullutslippshus kan bli fremtidens byggeforskrift

Alt om tre-fire år kan nye byggeforskrifter her i landet være basert på de erfaringer og kunnskap som man har fått fra det store ZEB-prosjektet (Zero emission buildings) ved NTNU/Sintef som har pågått i flere år.

Arne Sellæg, Anne Grete Hestnes, Arild Gustavsen

En positiv fusjonshistorie

Institutt for produktdesign (IPD) i Trondheim og medie- og designfag ved Seksjon for medieteknologi (MTL) i Gjøvik har funnet hverandre og vil danne et nytt Institutt for design under Fakultet for arkitektur og design. Begge fagmiljøer er enige om at det ligger spennende muligheter i fusjonen og at et nytt institutt har stort potensial. Felles deltakelse i det nye FME ZEN (Zero Emission Neighbourhoods) vil være en ekstra pådriver.

Terje Stafseng, Casper Boks

Trøndersk storeslem

Under Forskningsrådets energikonferanse torsdag tildelte rådet penger til åtte nye forskningssentre for miljøvennlig energi (FME).

Frode Buanes


Asplan Viak går ZEN – veien til nullutslippssamfunnet

Asplan Viak blir partner i nytt forskningssenter for miljøvennlig energi. Her skal vi være med å skape fremtidens løsninger gjennom utvikling av bærekraftige byområder – med null utslipp av klimagasser. Løsninger som bidrar til at nullutslippssamfunnet kan realiseres.

Liv Bjørhovde Rindal