Second Series of International “3SCity-E2C” Workshop
D2C-ML&AI: Predictive and Learning Approaches based on Distributed-to-Centralized Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Management of Large-Scale Internet of Things Networks in Smart Cities
Special Themes:
- Building and Energy Management System (EMS) of neighborhoods
in conjunction with The 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2021), Nara, Japan, January 08, 2021
Download Call For Paper (CFP-3SCity-E2C 2021 Workshop)
Notification about Corona Virus (COVID-19) by the organizer of the ICDCN 2021 conference
Note that for each content you used on this page, please cite the below information in your reference list.
Reference template: Sinaeepourfard, Amir, “D2C-ML&AI: Predictive and Learning Approaches based on Distributed-to-Centralized Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Management of Large-Scale Internet of Things Networks in Smart Cities,” 2nd Int’l. Wksp. Building Software Services in Smart City through Edge-to-Cloud orchestration, 2020;
About ICDCN 2021 Conference:
ICDCN, International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing advances in Distributed Computing and Communication Networks. Over the years, it has become a leading forum for disseminating the latest research results in these fields. The 22nd edition of this conference will be held in a historical city, Nara, Japan. Nara is the most historical and spiritual centre of Japan, where the first capital city was built over 1300 years ago. Close to Kyoto and Osaka and quickly accessible by train, Nara has World Heritage sites and well-preserved temples and shrines.
ICDCN 2021 will comprise of a highly selective technical program consisting of refereed regular and short papers, panel discussions as well as focused workshops on emerging topics about distributed computing and networking. See Call for Papers for more details. Conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Selected papers will be invited for fast-track publication in Theoretical Computer Science or Pervasive and Mobile Computing journals. The conference will consider awarding a Best Paper Award.
About the Second Series of the International Workshop on 3SCity-E2C:
We organized the “3Scity-E2C” international workshop from 2020. the first series of the international 3SCity-E2C workshop was organized successfully, IEEE 3SCity-E2C, in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (IEEE MDM 2020). The second series of the 3SCity-E2C workshop focuses on Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) challenges in smart cities, mainly concentrate on distributed-to-centralized ML and AI techniques (D2C-ML&AI).
The workshop provides a forum to discuss the theoretical foundations and original technical contributions of building “Predictive and Learning Approaches based on ML and AI in Large-Scale Internet of Things (IoT) networks of Smart Cities.” We are interested in novel proposals based on Edge-to-Cloud computing solutions by bringing together industry, academia, engineers, and researchers. Proposals can contribute to all different domains of the Smart Cities (such as transportation, healthcare, energy, and grid) as well as different data analysis scopes (such as cybersecurity challenges and solutions for threat and attack detection, and resource allocation and consumption).
All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the main conference papers as part of the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and will be indexed by the ACM Digital Library (CORE2018 Rank B). Also, authors of top papers will be invited to submit the extension of their quality work to the special issue of the MDPI journal – Networks Section, “Network Management: Advances and Opportunities.”
The challenge
Designing, implementation, and operation of integral solutions for building “Predictive and Learning Approaches based on Distributed-to-Centralized Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Management of Large-Scale Internet of Things (IoT) networks in Smart Cities.”
Why is it necessary to consider and extend ML and AI techniques at the edge of IoT networks?
- Data Growth in terms of “Size,” “Time,” and “Scale” (Large-Scale ICT and its Data Management): Exponential growth of city-data in widely distributed storage media of Smart Cities, as data is the main ingredient for ML and AI techniques and algorithms;
- Data Privacy: Citizens and data stakeholders may not be willing to share their information in a public data storage (e.g., Cloud technologies platform);
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): GDPR is a regulation in the EU law on data protection and privacy. GDPR also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas;
- Cybersecurity Concerns: In case of an attack at the centralized platform place (Cloud technologies) or multi-attacks at the IoT devices network will occur, how can we collect and send data/datasets to a centralized platform place to extract our knowledge requirements through data analysis/analytic and ML and AI techniques?
- Complexities of running and managing complex ML and AI techniques at the edge of networks: Due to computational and memory limitations of IoT devices and low processing abilities at the edge of the Smart City networks, IoT devices are often not capable of running and managing complex ML and AI techniques and algorithms at the edge of the Smart City networks.
- Cost of Cloud storage service: In most cases having Cloud storage can be quite expensive. Being charged year after year for a monthly or annual subscription can add up. Cloud storage providers know that customers will pay those high fees to have their data backed up and ultimately to have peace of mind.
Smart Cities are known to be complex, large scale, and distributed environments that require growing use of IoT devices in various domains, such as transportation and healthcare. A Smart City is the result of the production of massive volumes of city-data from sensor networks and other physical data sources to non-physical data sources in the cities. This produced city-data has been stored in local data storage media in a city. Based on Cloud computing technologies, the produced city-data may shift from distributed local data storage media in a city to centralized data storage media (e.g., Cloud data storage media) somewhere outside the city in most cases. This data movement will be organized through particular update mechanism policies by the city manager. With regard to focus on designing “Predictive and Learning Approaches based on D2C-ML and AI in Management of Large-Scale IoT networks in Smart Cities,” data is the main ingredient for ML and AI techniques and algorithms. So, in the Large-Scale distributed IoT system in Smart Cities, before focusing on ML and AI techniques, it is essential to effectively and securely organize widely distributed IoT devices networks through a comprehensive ICT and its data management architecture (e.g., Distributed-to-Centralized Data Management: A New Sense of Large-Scale ICT Management of Smart City IoT Networks).
ML and AI algorithms and techniques are overgrowing and have been continuously changing and improving smart predictive approaches through different use cases, domains, and scenarios, such as Smart Cities. However, one of the main limiting factors which prevent many ML tasks is the need for huge and diverse training datasets. In Smart Cities, widely distributed IoT devices networks are continuously capturing various environmental city events and producing many data/datasets. Collecting many datasets may provide several facilities for the data stakeholders in the Smart Cities, but several challenges raise when the exponential growth of available city-data is stored in the local and centralized data storage media. Also, due to the computational and memory limitations of IoT devices and low processing abilities at the edge of the Smart City networks, IoT devices are often not capable of running and managing complex ML and AI techniques and algorithms at the edge of the Smart City networks. Finally, sometimes citizens and data stakeholders may not like to share their personal information with others in a public platform (e.g., Cloud technologies).
Recently new calls have been made to design large-scale IoT networks management in the Smart Cities from a very small scale (distributed) to a large scale (centralized) of the city. Edge-to-Cloud computing orchestration may offer a splendid solution to manage Large-Scale IoT networks in Smart Cities, such as data, resources, and software/services, as well as making it possible to apply complex ML and AL techniques and algorithms at the edge of networks. This solution also is useful to create and train datasets from Edge to Cloud concerning the privacy of city-data and other related issues.
Edge-to-Cloud orchestration may be put forward with different architectural layers in Smart Cities, such as Fog and cloudlet. Through different architectural layers from Edge-to-Cloud orchestration, there are several opportunities for building predictive model approaches based on distributed-to-centralized learning approaches to train the datasets through different ML and AI techniques. Therefore, this makes it possible to predict and manage different requirements of Smart Cities, such as resource allocation and consumption, and intelligent cyber-attacks predication.
In the case of the combined and hierarchical computing platform and architecture (i.e., Fog-to-Cloud or Fog-to-cloudlet-to-Cloud) from the distributed-to-centralized schema, it is necessary to define the architectural framework for predicting the Smart Cities requirements based on various ML and AI techniques. This framework makes numerous facilities to analyze varieties of datasets from different business domains. Therefore, it is essential to define and design that kind of architectural framework for combined Edge to Cloud technologies systems to manage and predict Smart Cities’ requirements, which is a yet demanding specific effort from the research community. Currently, two main approaches can be applied through different architectural layers of Edge-to-Cloud orchestration to train varieties of datasets as well as using different ML and AI techniques, as described below:
- Replicated Learning approach: Each IoT node/device produces data – which must be sent to the centralized node for training and prediction. Therefore, the centralized node receives and aggregates all data from IoT nodes and builds (a) training model(s), and only that model(s) is(are) shared from the centralized server to all distributed IoT nodes. In summary, replicated learning enables Edge devices to share their local data to the centralized node collaboratively, and the centralized node learns a machine learning model but keeps all the data on the storage media of the centralized node, instead of storing data on the local distributed nodes. Replicated Learning may come with the following advantages if the effective middleware platform/controller will be designed in between Edge-to-Cloud computing technologies:
- It may make it possible to build more accurate ML models that are closer to the city-data sources in comparison with building ML models in the Cloud computing platform;
- It may improve the predication level of resources closer to the city-data sources;
- It may be possible to store city-data in the middleware platform instead of sending to the Cloud data storage;
- It improves data privacy efficiency on the middleware platform;
- This approach optimizes system bandwidth and data availability between geographically distributed data centers in the middleware platform.
- Federated Learning approach: Federated learning is a family of ML algorithms that has the core idea: a connected network exists in which there is a central server node. Each of the IoT nodes/devices creates data – that must be used for training and prediction. Each node trains a local model, and only that model is shared with the server, not the data. In summary, Federated learning enables Edge devices to learn an ML model collaboratively but keeping all the data on the IoT devices itself, instead of moving data to the Cloud computing technologies. Federated Learning has the following advantages:
- Replicated Learning approach: Each IoT node/device produces data – which must be sent to the centralized node for training and prediction. Therefore, the centralized node receives and aggregates all data from IoT nodes and builds (a) training model(s), and only that model(s) is(are) shared from the centralized server to all distributed IoT nodes. In summary, replicated learning enables Edge devices to share their local data to the centralized node collaboratively, and the centralized node learns a machine learning model but keeps all the data on the storage media of the centralized node, instead of storing data on the local distributed nodes. Replicated Learning may come with the following advantages if the effective middleware platform/controller will be designed in between Edge-to-Cloud computing technologies:
- Ability to build more accurate models faster;
- Low latency during inference;
- Privacy-preserving;
- Improved energy efficiency of the devices.
Organizing Committee
Workshop Organizer and Idea Creator
Ask him about “Data/Software Service Management applied in IoT/Edge-to-Cloud Computing orchestration/Smart Cities,” and “Large-Scale ICT/IoT networks management of Smart Cities”
Amir Sinaeepourfard, Ph.D., is a “research associate” and a “Postdoctoral candidate” at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Architecture (focused on data and software management) with First Class Honors (Excellent CumLaude) from Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain, in 2018. He was a fellow of the FI-DGR fellowship program of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Spain during his Ph.D. studies. Based on his Ph.D. studies, he proposed several novel contributions for Large-Scale ICT management in smart cities through Edge-to-Cloud orchestration, e.g., “D2C-DM: Distributed-to-Centralized Data Management,” and “E2CaaS: Edge-to-Cloud-as-a-Service Model for Building Software Services.” One of his publications, based on his Ph.D. thesis, received the IFIP Med-Hoc-Net paper of the “best paper year award” for 2016. He has significant hands-on experiences in both academic research and organizing scientific events/seminars/workshops/conferences in his field. He is the “Workshop Organizer and Idea Creator” of a series of “3SCity-E2C: Building Software Services in Smart City through Edge-to-Cloud Orchestration international workshops,” including “3SCity-E2C” and “D2C-ML&AI / Special D2C-ML&AI Conference Track,” “Intelligent Resource Management Mechanism for Service Execution of Large-Scale IoT Networks,” and “The ICT in Smart City Day event (ICT-SCity).” His Google Scholar citation as of March 2021 was 229, and his H-index was 10. He has been quite well-experienced in leadership activities in academia and industries (such as the “e-banking manager,” “technical supervisor/leader of master and bachelor students”). He is an active member of several European projects and consortiums for technical collaboration/responsibilities of several tasks, reports, deliverables, and publications (such as “H2020 mF2C: Towards an Open, Secure, Decentralized and Coordinated Fog-to-Cloud Management Ecosystem“), the Research Council of Norway (such as ZEN: Zero Emission Neighbourhood), and the Spanish Government Grant (such as FI-DGR fellowship program of the Generalitat de Catalunya).
His current research interest includes “Smart Cities, “IoT,” “Large-Scale IoT Management,” “Big Data Management,” “Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing,” “Data and Software Management (including Centralized and Distributed).”
His publication lists> Google Scholar
Workshop Committee Members
Ask him about “Data Fusion” and “Sensor Networks”
Pierluigi Salvo Rossi, Ph.D., was born in Naples, Italy, on April 26, 1977. He received the Dr.Eng. degree in telecommunications engineering (summa cum laude) and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering, in 2002 and 2005, respectively, both from the University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy. From 2005 to 2008, he worked as a postdoc at the Dept. Computer Science and Systems, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy, at the Dept. Information Engineering, Second University of Naples, Italy, and at the Dept. Electronics and Telecommunications, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway. From 2008 to 2014, he was an assistant professor (tenured in 2011) in telecommunications with the Dept. Industrial and Information Engineering, Second University of Naples, Italy. From 2014 to 2016, he was an associate professor in signal processing with the Dept. Electronics and Telecommunications, NTNU, Norway. From 2016 to 2017, he was a full professor in signal processing with the Dept. Electronic Systems, NTNU, Norway. From 2017 to 2019, he was a principal engineer with the Dept. Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning, Kongsberg Digital AS, Norway. Since 2019 he is a full professor in statistical machine learning with the Dept. Electronic Systems, NTNU, Norway.
He held visiting appointments at the Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University, US, at the Dept. Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University, Sweden, at the Dept. Electronics and Telecommunications, NTNU, Norway, and at the Excellence Center for Wireless Sensor Networks, Uppsala University, Sweden.
He is an IEEE senior member (since 2011) and serves as an executive editor for the IEEE Communication Letters (since 2019), an area editor for the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (since 2019), an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks (since 2019) and an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication (since 2015). He was a senior editor (2016-2019) and an associate editor (2012-2016) for the IEEE Communication Letters. He was awarded Exemplary Senior Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters (2018).
His current research interest fall within the areas of communication theory, data fusion, machine learning, and signal processing.
His publication lists> Google Scholar
Ask him about “Cybercrime” and “Malware”
Mamoun Alazab, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the College of Engineering, IT and Environment, IT Discipline. He is a cyber-security researcher and practitioner with industry and academic experience. His research is multidisciplinary that focuses on cyber security and digital forensics of computer systems including current and emerging issues in the cyber environment like cyber-physical systems and internet of things, by taking into consideration the unique challenges present in these environments, with a focus on cybercrime detection and prevention. Assoc. Prof. Alazab received his PhD degree in Computer Science and has more than 100 research papers. He presented at many invited keynotes talks and panels, at conferences and venues nationally and internationally (22 events in 2018 alone). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE. He is an editor on multiple editorial boards including Associate Editor of IEEE Access (2017 Impact Factor 3.557), Editor of the Security and Communication Networks Journal (2017 Impact Factor: 0.904) and Book Review Section Editor: Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (JDFSL).
His current research interest includes Cyber Security, Cybercrime, Malware, Digital Forensics.
His publication lists> Google Scholar
Scientific Committee
- Antonio J. Jara, University of Applied Sciences Western, Switzerland
- Alireza Jolfaei, Macquarie University, Australia
- Antonio Salis, Engineering Sardegna, Italy
- Phu Nguyen, SINTEF, Norway
- Vinayakumar Ravi, University of Cincinnati, USA
- Dirk Ahlers, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
- Amirhosein Taherkordi, Universitetet i Oslo (UiO), Norway
- Jens Jensen, UK Research and Innovation-Science and Technology Facilities Council (UKRI-STFC), UK
- Shuaib Siddiqui, i2CAT Foundation, Spain
- Deepak Puthal, Newcastle University, UK
- Mohamed Hamdy, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
- Alexander Norta, TalTech, Estonia
- Octavio Loyola-González, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
- Shehenaz Shaik, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
- Suman Sankar Bhunia, PwC Inc., India
- Vitor Barbosa Souza, Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Brazil
- Saad Qaisar, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan
- Ali Dorri, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
- Souvik Sengupta, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
- Gowri Sankar Ramachandran, University of Southern California, USA
- Sarang Kahvazadeh, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain
- Qaisar Shafi, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan
Keynote speakers
Vitor Barbosa Souza, Ph.D., Informatics Department (DPI), Universidade Federal de Vicosa – UFV, Vicosa-MG, Brazil
Ask him about “Resource Allocation” and “Fog computing”
Vitor Barbosa Souza, Ph.D., is a Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) in Brazil. He has Bachelor’s Degree (2006) and a Master’s Degree (2010) in Computer Science at UFV and a Ph.D. (Cum Laude) in Computer Architecture at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain (2018) with a focus on advanced network architectures. His doctoral thesis «Mechanisms for service-oriented resource allocation in IoT» has been the most downloaded among those published in the years 2017-2018 / 2018-2019 and published at the institutional UPC repository. He has been a member of European projects such as H2020 mF2C and H2020 GUAU. Also, he is an active reviewer of relevant journals such as ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), Computer Communications, and Internet of Things Journal. Recent work is related to the provisioning of Control-as-a-Service in highly dynamic and heterogeneous fog environments and the employment of machine learning techniques for enhanced QoS in collaborative service-oriented architectures.
His current research interest includes Fog computing, Cloud computing, IoT, QoS, 5G, and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NTNU is a university with an international focus, with headquarters in Trondheim and campuses in Ålesund and Gjøvik.
NTNU has a main profile in science and technology, a variety of programs of professional study, and great academic breadth that also includes the humanities, social sciences, economics, medicine, health sciences, educational science, architecture, entrepreneurship, art disciplines, and artistic activities.
ZEN – Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities
The ZEN Research Centre conducts research on Zero-Emission Neighbourhoods (ZEN) in smart cities.
The main goal is to develop solutions for future buildings and neighbourhoods with no greenhouse gas emissions and thereby contribute to a low carbon society.
The workshop provides a forum to discuss the theoretical foundations and original technical contributions of building “Predictive and Learning Approaches based on Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Large-Scale Internet of Things (IoT) networks of Smart Cities.” We are interested in novel proposals based on Edge-to-Cloud computing solutions by bringing together industry, academia, engineers, and researchers. Proposals can contribute to all different domains of the Smart Cities (such as transportation, healthcare, energy, and grid) as well as different data analysis scopes (such as cybersecurity challenges and solutions for threat and attack detection, and resource allocation and consumption). We invite submissions of the unpublished work on the following topics (but not limited to):
Track 1- Large-Scale IoT Management & ML/AI
Leader of Track> Amir Sinaeepourfard, Ph.D., NTNU, Norway
• ML and AI techniques for Large-Scale IoT networks management of Smart Cities;
• Federated and Replicated Learning in Large-Scale IoT networks management of Smart Cities;
• Scalable and reliable framework for Federated and Replicated Learning;
Sub-track I- Different business domains of smart cities (e.g., building, Energy Management System (EMS), grid, e-health, and automated vehicles) & ML/AI
Leader of Sub-track> Mohamed Hamdy, Ph.D., NTNU, Norway
• Federated and Replicated learning in the different business domains of Smart Cities;
• In particular theme interest, Federated and Replicated learning in building and EMS of neighborhoods.
Sub-track II- Edge-to-Cloud orchestration & ML/AI
Leader of Sub-track> Souvik Sengupta, Ph.D., UPC, Spain
• Hybrid and collaborative architectural models for learning and predict the requirement of Smart Cities through different layers from Edge-to-Cloud computing technologies;
• Developing applications and software services of Large-Scale IoT networks in Smart Cities based on the availability of data in distributed-to-centralized data storage media and their related learning models and orchestration;
• Distributed system and data and ICT architecture management design and implementation for Smart Cities.
Sub-track III- Performance and Economic Efficiency & ML/AI
Leader of Sub-track> Antonio Salis, Engineering Sardegna, Italy
• Performance efficiency in comparison of different learning and predict approaches, including Cloud computing technologies and/or Edge-to-Cloud computing technologies;
• Economic efficiency in comparison of different learning and predict approaches, including Cloud computing technologies and/or Edge-to-Cloud computing technologies.
Track 2- Cybersecurity & ML/AI
Leader of Track> Alireza Jolfaei, Ph.D., Macquarie University, Australia
• On-device privacy-preserving Learning;
• Security and privacy aspects of Federated and Replicated Learning;
• Combating cyberattacks using AI through Edge-to-Cloud networks, including adopting traditional machine learning methods and existing deep learning solutions;
• Distributed and distributed-to-centralized learning approaches to predict different IoT cybersecurity requirements of Smart Cities, such as anomaly detection challenges (threat and attack detection).
Sub-track I- Malware & ML/AI
Leader of Sub-track> Mamoun Alazab, Ph.D., CDU’s College of Engineering, Australia
• Malware detection/treatment for Large-Scale IoT networks via Federated and Replicated Learning approaches.
Sub-track II- Blockchain & ML/AI
Leader of Sub-track> Ali Dorri, Ph.D., QUT, Australia
• Blockchain for Federated and Replicated Learning.
Track 3- Resource Management & ML/AI
Leader of Track> Vitor Barbosa Souza, Ph.D., UFV, Brazil
• Distributed and distributed-to-centralized learning approaches to predict different IoT resource requirements of Smart Cities, such as optimization of resource allocation and consumption.
Important dates
- Opening of Workshop Papers for Acceptance: June 15th, 2020
- Deadline for Workshop Papers:
August 9th, 2020September 26, 2020 (Firm deadline) - Decision on Acceptance/Rejection of the Workshop Papers:
September 14th, 2020October 6, 2020 - Camera-ready Deadline: October 20th, 2020
Submission instruction
3SCity-E2C proceedings will be published in the main “22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2021)” conference papers as part of the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and will be indexed by the ACM Digital Library. The following paper categories are welcome:
Paper length and format:The workshop papers must be no more than 6 pages, including title, abstract, figures, and references, and not published or under review elsewhere. Also, papers must be formatted with the ACM conference proceedings template.
Registration of accepted workshop papersFor each accepted workshop paper to appear in the ACM digital library, at least one author of the paper must register as a regular registrant even if he/she is a student, and the paper must be presented in the workshop by one of its authors.
- It is expected that authors will submit the original and high-quality papers to the EasyChair link (
Start the video-workshop at 18:00 – Japan Standard Time (Standard Time), 08 January 2021 (Friday)
18:00 – 18.10 Welcome message by the Program Chair (Amir Sinaeepourfard, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway)
18.10 – 18.30 Keynote Talk
Presenter: Vitor Barbosa Souza, Ph.D., Informatics Department (DPI), Universidade Federal de Vicosa – UFV, Vicosa-MG, Brazil
Title: “Improving the availability of fog resources by means of a smart handover of mobile devices across distinct fog domains in a smart city”
Abstract: Recently, computer network architectures have presented a great evolution largely influenced by the introduction of millions of edge devices acting both as data producers and consumers, the deployment of applications demanding real-time broadband communication, and the popularization of mobile computing requiring strict QoS provisioning and reduced service disruption. Fog computing is a novel architecture focusing on addressing several related issues through the employment of computing resources at the edge to deploy highly virtualized micro data centers located close to the end-user. In such architecture, the effective distribution of computing, storage, and control, aiming at the optimal utilization of available resources, is mandatory. Thus, since locality is an important fog characteristic, frequent inter-fog domain handovers is an open challenge since it may result in frequent task migrations besides preventing the continuous availability of shared edge resources. This talk discusses the employment of machine learning strategies to maximize the availability of resources at fog domains by minimizing the frequency of handovers in vehicular scenarios by means of smart placement of resources within fog domains.
18.30 – 18.45 Accepted Paper Presentation
Title: “Macroscopic Traffic Stream Variables Prediction with Weather Impact Using Hybrid CNN-LSTM model”
Authors: Archana Nigam (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology Gandhinagar, India), Sanjay Srivastava (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology Gandhinagar, India)
Abstract: Accurate prediction of the macroscopic traffic stream variables such as speed and flow is important for traffic operation and management in an intelligent transportation system. Adverse weather conditions like fog, snow, and rainfall affect the driver’s visibility, road capacity, and mobility. The accurate prediction of the traffic stream variables in adverse weather conditions is challenging because of the non-linear and complex characteristics of the traffic stream and spatiotemporal correlation between traffic and weather variables. Prolonged heavy rain causes massive waterlogging in developing countries due to weak drainage systems, narrow streets, and encroachment, further affecting these traffic stream variables. Snow reduces the road capacity as much as waterlogging does. Prolonged snowfall creates a thick layer on the road, which affects the traffic stream variables. Traffic data has a high spatial and temporal
resolution compared to weather data, which makes the problem more challenging. In this paper, we define a soft temporal threshold to capture the prolonged impact of weather variables. To capture the traffic and weather data’s spatiotemporal and temporal features, we propose a hybrid CNN-LSTM model. To validate model performance, data from San Diego and Minneapolis Minnesota Twin city are used. The test experiments show that the hybrid CNN-LSTM model learns spatiotemporal and temporal features accurately compared to other deep learning models.
Keywords—Traffic stream variables prediction, CNN, LSTM, Rainfall, Snowfall
18.45 – 19.00 Accepted Paper Presentation
Title: “ VDA: Deep Learning based Visual Data Analysis in Integrated Edge to Cloud Computing Environment”
Authors: Atanu Mandal (Department of Computer Science and Engineering Jadavpur University Kolkata, India), Amir Sinaeepourfard (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway)), Sudip Kumar Naskar (Department of Computer Science and Engineering Jadavpur University Kolkata, India)
Abstract: In recent years, video surveillance technology has become pervasive in every sphere. The manual generation of videos’ descriptions requires enormous time and labor, and sometimes essential aspects of videos are overlooked in human summaries. The present work is an attempt towards the automated description generation of Surveillance Video. The proposed method consists of the extraction of key-frames from a surveillance video, objects detection in the key-frames, natural language (English) description generation of the key-frames, and summarizing the descriptions. The key-frames are identified based on a structural similarity index measure. Object detection in a key-frame is performed using the architecture of Single Shot Detection. We used Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) to generate captions from frames. Translation Error Rate (TER) is used to identify and remove duplicate event descriptions. Term frequency-inverse document frequency (Tf-idf) is used to rank the event descriptions generated from a video, and the top-ranked the description is returned as the system generated a summary of the video. We evaluated the Microsoft Video Description Corpus (MSVD) data set to validate our proposed approach, and the system produces a Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) score of 46.83.
Keywords—Smart City, Smart Surveillance, Video Summarization, Content-based Video Retrieval, Internet of Things
19.00 – 19.15 Final Technical Discussion Panel by the committee members and keynote speakers, including “Main outcomes and open challenges of the workshop discussion”
19.15 End of Workshop
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